easy keto diet plan for beginners

Easy Keto Diet Plan For Beginners: The Popular 101 On-Demand Guide Revealed

The Ketogenic diet, popularly known as the low carb or keto diet is one of the most followed diets on the planet. The reason behind its popularity is because it gives quick and quality results, especially for people who want to lose weight fast and naturally. It is also one of the few diets that allow people to eat their favorite food and yet still give them the results that they are looking for. This easy keto diet plan for beginners’ guide is to give a quick overview and let you embark on a recommended keto plan that you can follow right away.

The keto diet involves reducing your carbohydrate intake drastically and replacing it with a high fat diet. This helps to put your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. It turns your body into a fat-burning machine and enables you to lose weight fast. It also converts fat to ketones in the liver, which in turn supplies energy to the brain.

If you are a newbie in the keto diet, it is crucial to understand keto foods and commit yourself to follow the diet to the dot. You also need to have a plan. In this post, we are going to discuss the easy keto diet plan for beginners to help you make informed decisions when following this low carb diet.

Do I keep track of daily calories on the keto diet

breakfast for keto

One thing that has made the keto diet so popular; the fact that it does not require you to track your food as it is usually the case with other diet plans. This is because the keto diet emphasizes healthy fats and protein intake, which makes you feel full fast and for long, enabling you to eat less food.

However, that does not mean that keeping track of your food is discouraged completely. You can still keep track of your food to be aware of what you are consuming. One area that you need to watch out when following the keto diet is whether you are achieving the right ratio of fat, carbs, and protein. Remember that your body will only go to the state of ketosis if it gets the proper proportion of the macronutrients mentioned above.

The keto diet derives 70% of its calories from fat, 20% from protein, and only 10% from carbs. If you want to benefit from this diet, then you need to ensure that all your meals follow this rule (70/20/10). However, experts say that you can still achieve great results if the ratio varies slightly but caution people against exceeding 50g net carbs a day.

When and how much to eat on the keto diet

Unlike other diets that limit eating frequency, the keto diet does not limit how often a person should eat. This means that you can eat as much as you want whenever you can. However, considering the nature of the keto diet, most people eat 3-4 meals a day.

When it comes to eating frequency, experts advise people to be mindful of their bodies to know when they are truly hungry. They also recommend eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day instead of eating three large meals. Eating small portions at regular intervals will help keep your metabolism active all day, enabling your body to enter ketosis faster.

If you are the kind of person who exercises regularly and a beginner in the keto diet, then there are a few adjustments you need to make within the first two weeks. They include reducing your workout loads as well as increase your carb intake. Reducing your workout will help your body get into ketosis fast. On the other hand, increasing your carb intake up to 100g will help provide your body with the much-needed calories to enable it to function optimally.

Quick & Easy Keto Diet Plan For Beginners

If you are new to keto foods, it is good to begin with making your meals as easy as possible. Below is a sample of a keto meal plan recipe for a beginner.

Keto breakfast

omelette keto

Option one: Prepare mushroom, spinach, and feta omelet then serve it with keto coffee. This breakfast has a healthy ratio of healthy fat, protein, and carb that will keep you full till lunchtime.

Option two: Unsweetened yogurt mixed with fat sour cream, whole milk, walnut, and chia seeds. Balance the meal by adding two eggs.

Keto lunch

salmon keto

Option one: Oven-baked salmon plus broccoli. Salmon is rich in healthy fat while broccoli is high in fiber, which can make you feel full for long but low in carbs.

Option two: Nitrate free bacon, cheese, avocado, grape tomatoes, and spicy pumpkin. Serve it with a salad such as blue cheese or ranch that is low in carb but high in fat.

Option three: make your lunch yummy with cubes of grilled chicken, cheese cubes, nitrate-free ham, raw grape tomatoes, a boiled egg, a few almonds, raw vegetables like broccoli, ranch dressing and guacamole.

Keto dinner

beef for keto

Option one: Chicken breast, Caesar salad, parmesan, and bacon. Pair it with cheese or olive oil dressing to balance the macronutrients.

Option two: Beef sauteed with onions plus low carb tomato sauce. Sauteed the meal in olive oil to add fat content.

Option three: Grilled chicken served with yellow squash, eggplant. Sauteed the meal in olive oil to add fat content,

How to Start a Keto Diet or Low Carb Diet!

You can get started on the keto diet almost immediately! All the meal plans and keto recipes are planned in detailed, easy-to-follow steps for anyone who wants to start right away to make a lifestyle change! Let us know your interest below and we will send you straight to your very own Keto diet customization!

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