paleo diet pros and cons

Paleo Diet Pros and Cons

Paleo Diet is often one of the most talked about diet among the many other dieting methods available. The advantages and disadvantages of Paleo Diet definition are much debated on whether it is really worth the individual to take serious action to follow such a method.

Let us take a quick look at some of the Pros and Cons for the Paleo Diet:

Pros of a Paleo Diet

Cons of a Paleo Diet

Fresh food (Most are freshly prepared)No cereals, potatoes, pasta, dairy products
Plenty of meat, fish, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetablesNo packaged food
Delicious and can lose weightNeed substitute for Vitamin D & calcium
Reduce risk of Type 2 Diabetes (Minimal or no processed sugar allowed)Problem for people with food allergies e.g. shellfish or seafood could pose allergies
Lower Cholesterol levels (Prevents cardiovascular related issues)Maybe expensive i.e. all fresh foods e.g. fresh seafood, meat, etc
Reduce risks of all sorts of Chronic diseaseHigh in animal based consumption
Easy to follow list of food (Mostly available)High in Protein(which might be good too)
High nutrient density, minimal need for vitamins and mineralsNeed to change eating habits completely (No chips, no energy drinks, no couch popcorning)
Encourages physical activityNeed time to prepare(Some people do not even have 30 mins to spare)

Similar to any other diets, it will take certain effort to achieve a goal while adopting a dieting method. However, a diet should be both encouraging and beneficial to the adopter with benefits outweighing the disadvantages. Likewise, it should never be detrimental to the person’s physical and mental well-being.

If you look closely at the recommended range of food in the Paleo Diet, they are no strangers to us at all. We have always been eating them as our regular food, only with the exception of certain grain types. It just so happened that the convenience of processed and readily-available canned/packaged food that are introduced in our lifetime has made our natural eating habits become a hassle. All we need is to make adjustment and tune back to our healthy eating pattern. Not saying to change drastically, but at a moderate pace that is comfortable for your lifestyle.

Find out more about our range of recommended Paleo Diet Meal Plans that can assist you in making that switch back to a healthy eating habit. They are easy to follow with ready recipes (mind you, they are delicious!), ready grocery list and meal schedule for every day!

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