Paleo vs Keto Diet: Which One Is Better For Me?

There are a lot of fads online about the Paleo diet and Keto diet. Perhaps you have tried for a period of time to know more about them or even engaged in one of the mentioned diets. Somehow or rather, you still have some burning questions to the vague idea of what, why, and how these diets come about. So let us help you get a quick look into the Paleo vs Keto diet.

What is the Keto diet all about?

The Ketogenic diet(Keto in short) engages in a high-fat and very low-carb routine. It simply substitutes carbs with fats or as a replacement. In doing so, it places the body into a metabolic state called “ketosis”. This state is when the body is starved of glucose which is processed for energy, and starts to burn fats instead. Over a period of time, the body will become more efficient in burning fats for energy and also turning them into ketones(which is a by-product of fats breakdown) in the liver, which will then supply energy for the brain. This process can lead to a significant weight loss. However, ketosis can become dangerous for the body if the ketone levels are too high.

What is the Paleo diet about?

The Paleolithic or sometimes referred as the “caveman” diet is believed to be the kind of foods that were consumed by early humans. The range of food is emphasised on whole foods, including organic vegetables and fruits, grass-fed and naturally raised meats, wild caught fishes, eggs, nuts and seeds. Basically, it removes all ‘unnatural’ or rather processed foods and sugar. It also excludes grains, dairy products, beans and legumes. It is argued that these foods were introduced into the human diet at a much later timeline and thus the human digestive system is not able to break down these foods properly which leads to digestive problems, food allergies and other kinds of inflammation.

How does the Paleo vs Keto Diet compare?

  • Both Paleo and Keto diets are based on high-quality nutrient-rich foods that do not include grains, beans, dairy, and legumes.
  • A keto diet consists of high fats contents as compared to Paleo diet
  • Paleo diet is usually higher in carbs than Keto diet
  • The Paleo diet has starchy vegetables and fruits while the Keto diet does not because of high carbs. (A pure keto diet has only 50g or less of carbs per day)
  • Paleo is better in terms of overall digestive health and for athletic performance. It is a more sustainable diet than Keto
  • Keto diet is a good short-term diet for people who are into weight loss or aesthetics, as well as those seeking diabetes prevention and curbing other illnesses e.g. epilepsy
  • It is advisable to seek a trusted practitioner for help if using the Keto diet. Consistent calories and macronutrient counting are important in keeping the Keto diet goal. A standard practice of the Keto diet is 60-75% of calories from fats, 15-30% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs.
  • The Paleo diet does not follow a strict macronutrients rule or even counts carbs, protein or fats numbers
  • Paleo diet usually stays within a less strict low-carb model (150g or less) and allows more for fruits and some starchy vegetables.

What are some benefits to trying one or both diets?

benefits of paleo vs keto diet

The Keto Diet:

  • It is a weight loss diet which is quite effective in a way or two
  • The low-carb nature of the diet reduces the blood sugar and insulin levels quite significantly
  • There are research that indicates the Keto diet could lower the risk of heart diseases, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  • The absence of sugar in the diet (even in fruits) and near-zero carb levels can help curb sugar cravings
  • It is one of the easiest diet to follow since it is high fat in content. (Most people cannot live without fats in diet)
  • More sustainable on a longer term since it is not solely based on counting calories or having limited portion sizes unlike some diets which are extremely restrictive in calorie intake. Such extremes can lead to slow metabolism when the body goes into ‘starvation’ mode and starts storing fats which is counterproductive to losing weight.

The Paleo Diet:

  • Consists mainly on whole foods which means the body gets more nutrients. It helps in weight improvement, blood sugar, energy level, mood, sleep, digestion and cognitive capabilities as well as lower risks of many chronic type diseases.
  • Does not include gluten and dairy in which some people who might be allergic or sensitive to them will find improvement in their diet and overall health condition.
  • The diet can be on the more costly side because the recommended foods are mostly organic, 100% grass-fed meat and wild-caught fishes. These food might not be readily available to everybody.


It is good to follow a sensible and healthy diet, be it Paleo or Keto. Take up something that you are comfortable with, stick to it for a period of time, and measure the results. If it does not match up to expectations or does not seem to work, try the other. The Paleo vs Keto Diet serves as a guide to give you an idea of how each works. Not all diets can fit everyone. However, if given time and persistence, there should be some improvement to your overall health and weight.

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