what does the paleo diet consist of

What Does the Paleo Diet Consist Of?

Want to know what does the paleo diet consist of? While there are a lot of different specific interpretations of the paleo diet, and many people modify their food choices to fit their individual needs and preferences, here is a summary of what is preferred and what to avoid on the paleo diet. (More on ‘Paleo Foods to Avoid‘)

What is in the Paleo Diet?


Particularly including calcium-rich vegetables like kale and bok choy, and vitamin-rich vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, and peppers.


A variety of fruits meet a variety of nutritional needs, so include berries, citrus, stone fruits, apples, and bananas.

Lean proteins

While bacon isn’t forbidden, it’s best to use lower-fat, high protein meats like poultry, beef, pork, rabbit, eggs, and any kind of fish and shellfish.


Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and necessary micronutrients. Nuts also includes nut butters like almond butter and tahini.

Healthy fats and oil

Fats from vegetable sources are good for your body. Healthy fats include olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

Healthy sweeteners

You can add sweetness to your foods and still be on the paleo diet. Just use honey, maple syrup, date sugar, or other natural sugars.

What is Out of the Paleo Diet?


Grains include wheat, oats, rice, and quinoa, and the foods made from them, including pasta and bread.

Starchy vegetables

Some vegetables are mostly carbohydrates, including potatoes, soy, corn, beans, and lentils.


Of course dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter.


Including peanut butter.

Salty foods

Excess salt is bad for your health, and salt is often added in excess in foods where you wouldn’t expect it.

Refined vegetable oils

Avoid refined and processed oils, and stick to the healthy oils listed above.

Refined sugar

Refined sugars and sweeteners are also bad for your health, so stick to the approved sweeteners listed above.

Sweetened beverages

Along with avoiding refined sugars and sweeteners, it’s important to avoid the beverages that contain them. Colas and sodas, pre-sweetened teas and juices, and coffee drinks all should be avoided.

Processed foods

Processed foods as a broad category includes nearly anything that comes in a box, can, or jar, and is already made for you and ready for you to open or heat and eat. These foods almost always include excesses of salt and sugar, along with additives, preservatives, and unhealthy ingredients. They also frequently contain non-paleo ingredients like wheat, soy, or corn products even when it seems unrelated to the dish.

What About Alcohol?

Some alcohols have health benefits, and some people don’t want to avoid alcohol altogether. Unlike some diets, paleo doesn’t forbid all alcohol but prefers some more than others. Wines, including sparkling wines, and rum and tequila are made from fermenting the sugars in natural plants and fruits and can fit into a paleo diet. Grain-based alcohols like beer, whiskey, and most gins and vodkas, should be avoided. And, of course, sugary cocktails that include sweet beverages aren’t paleo at all. For the most part, by avoiding starches and grains, and choosing fresh, whole, unprocessed foods, you can be on the paleo diet without even knowing it.

What to Expect from the Paleo Diet

If you follow a paleolithic diet closely and add on some physical exercise to your daily routine, you could potentially lose weight. The amount of weight loss may vary on how strict you adhere to the recommended food list and how much exercise is included.

Calcium and other essential nutrients have to be taken into consideration from alternative food since most dairy products and grains are excluded from the paleo list. It is good to check with a dietician to make sure you are getting the correct amount of calcium and nutrient needs.

It may be difficult to completely cut off certain food groups at a go especially habitual diets that include dairy, peanut butter, or processed food, you can try making changes at smaller incremental steps. This way, you would be happier and ready to embrace the paleo diet completely when your overall health starts to improve.

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